RISD Website

The Netherlands Embassy in Rwanda

Implementing a long term program on Securing Land Rights. This is the only unique project in Rwanda or may be in the region, that strategically and directly supports the role of civil society in monitoring the implementation of land reform. This specific program was launched in 2012, building on the RISD existing program that started in 2007 to accompany the pilot phase of land reform. RISD is mainly focusing on the monitoring of the nature and evolution of the land related disputes, existing and potential mediation mechanism. The phase 1 of the project ended in 2014 and phase 2 end in 2018. The project is implemented in partnership with MINIJUST, RNRA, MINALCO and MININFRA.

Phase 2 of this program is ICT4D driven, for both research and monitoring. The project support both MINIJUST through Abunzi and MINALOC through local leaders, in documenting and analyzing land related disputes by use of mobile.