Experts at ILC conference in Tirana call for new approaches to land governance
Rome, 31 May 2011 The International Land Coalition’s (ILC) biennial International Conference and Assembly of Members (AoM) in Tirana, Albania concluded on May 27th 2011. The AoM is the supreme governing body responsible for establishing the overall strategies and policies of the ILC and, concomitantly, to ensure that the organisation...
African civil societies meet in Kigali
MEMBERS of the Civil Society organizations in Africa have been called upon to always advocate for democracy and development in their respective countries. The call was made by Paul Okumu, who heads the secretariat of the Africa Civil Society Platform on Principled Partnership (ACPPP), during a one-day meeting that brought...
The 14th meeting of ICE organized by UNECA
The 14th meeting of the intergovernmental committee of experts (ICE) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Syb-regional Office for Eastern Africa (SRO-EA) took place at Hotel Des Mille Collines, in Kigali, Rwanda, from 15 to 18th March2010. The theme was "Enhancing Food Security in Eastern African Sub-Region". A working...
Members of Great Lakes sub-regional land synergy will meet to discuss progress
Since 2010, a new land dynamic called Great Lakes sub-regional land synergy was developed from an initiative of ICCO, a NGO from the Netherlands, and its partners. Through a programmatic approach, ICCO and its members from the Great Lakes (Burundi, Rwanda and DRC), have decided to develop a comprehensive...
The 1st ILC Africa Regional Node Steering Committee Meeting in 2011
The first ILC Africa Regional Node Steering Committee Meeting in 2011 will be held at Scenario Grand Hotel in Kigali, Rwanda from 25th – 26th March. In addition to the steering committee members of ILC Node of Africa, the sub-regional focal points of Eastern, Western, Southern and Central Africa will...
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